Elet angliaban, avagy hogyan is kezdj hozza

Itt megtalalod mindazt amit tudnod kell az angliai munkavallalasrol, hogy hogyan is rendezd be uj eleted, mi kell a sikeres munkavallalashoz, gyermekelhelyezes, ovodak, iskolak, alberlet ... stb.

Biztonsagi okokbol a szemelyes adatokat toroltem.

Lenyeges, hogy a jelenlegi allasoddal kezd s ugy menj idoben visszafele, s ez igaz az iskolara is. A legfrissebb vegzettsegeddel kezd. Az erettsegi jegyeket nem kell beirni, ugysem mond nekik semmit, itt az ABC-t hasznaljak osztalyozasra. A personal profile-t es a leisure interest-et benne hagytam, hogy lasd mit irhatsz le.

Keresztnev Vezeteknev

hazszam, utca



Email: email@hotmail.com

Personal Profile

I am hard working, professional person with a strong vocation for nursing and medicine. I am reliable, punctual and adaptable. All my employers and colleagues have found me to be supportive cheerful and calm under pressure. I am a highly motivated and tenacious person, I have very high personal standards of performance and am meticulous in my work. I am practical, analytical and a good problem solver. I learn new skills quickly and enjoy learning.

I have very good interpersonal skills and communicate effectively with people of all types. I am skilled in administration and office practice. I am responsible, well-organised and disciplined person and am happy to rely on my own judgement.

Employment History


Job Title                        Organisation                                      Dates


Education & Training


Location              Qualification                                      Dates

Leisure Interests


I enjoy gardening and discovering the nature around me. I have two little boys with whom I enjoy spending time when I can. I like to relax listening to music particularly classical and Latin music. I enjoy reading classic literature Such as Shakespeare and Molière. I speak Hungarian and English and enjoy improving my language skills. 

Weblap látogatottság számláló:

Mai: 1
Tegnapi: 35
Heti: 43
Havi: 413
Össz.: 339 662

Látogatottság növelés
Oldal: Oneletrajz
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